There are moments in life that call for bold, decisive action. For telling your analytical side to take a hike and letting your lizard brain run wild. Because actions don’t just speak louder than words, they crank out a three-chord power anthem through dual stacks. Those moments are best savored by cracking open a can of Dale’s, loaded with simple, honest ingredients. And brewed with a thirst for life that’s so big, it now comes in three flavors. Dale’s Pale Ale the OG of voluminously hopped craft beers in a can. Dale’s Double IPA is for those who can’t get enough of a good thing. And easy-going Dale’s Light Lager.So when you’re standing in front of the beer cooler, don’t overthink it. Seize the Dale’s. And shake hands with the drinking buddy who always lets you know where you stand. Which is right smack in the heart of a really good time, holding a really good beer.

Craft Beer Innovator

It may say "Oskar Blues" on the front door of the brewery, but make no mistake – Dale's is the name this place was built on. Dale's stands on its own. And while the rest of our weird-ass brews aren't going anywhere, our expanded line-up of Dale's beers is an opportunity to double (or triple) down on what makes us, us.
Authentic American Ingredients

Dale's is craft beer at its simplest and finest. Loaded with honest ingredients and zero bs. No goofy cartoon characters or fancy illustrations. Just a tried and true American brew.