Oskar Blues Outdoor Gear Yard Sale 2025

Who’s ready for Spring?
Who’s ready for some Outdoor Gear Spring Cleaning?

Join us on Saturday, March 15 for our second annual Outdoor Gear Yard Sale event benefitting Friends of Dupont Forest and Pisgah Area SORBA!
We are inviting local outdoor businesses, sales reps, pro athletes and individuals out to sell their pre-loved used outdoor gear…yard sale style!
Enjoy a day of live music, food trucks, fresh beer, tons of outdoor gear for sale along with good springtime vibes!
Have used outdoor gear you want to sell? Details on how to sign up for a vending spot to sling your used gear is below.
For items to sell…Think Outdoor Recreation gear – Cycling, hiking, camping, fishing, rock climbing, kayaking/canoeing, snow sports, etc. If REI sales it, then you are on the right path of what we are looking for!
All vendor fees go to Friends of Dupont Forest and Pisgah Area SORBA. You must be pre-registered to sale any items at this event (no walk-up vendors allowed)